ACE Cognitive Test
Do you have an upcoming ACE test? Do you want to prepare as best you can? Read more about the test and how to score high on the ACE Cognitive Test.
Do you have an upcoming ACE test? Do you want to prepare as best you can? Read more about the test and how to score high on the ACE Cognitive Test.
The test is developed and offered by the company Master International.
The ACE test (Adjustable Competence Evaluation), like other competence tests, is designed to measure your potential to understand complex interrelationships and make the most logical decisions possible. In addition, the test also shows your ability to acquire new knowledge.
The ACE Test theoretically allows for a generous amount of time per question, as you have 30 minutes to complete just 12 tasks. However, the test is adaptive, meaning its difficulty adjusts based on both your speed and accuracy. Time is also a determining factor in your overall performance. Unlike many other tests, where maximising the allotted time is advantageous, in this case, completing the test swiftly yields better results than using the entire available duration.
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The ACE test is offered in two versions:
Version 1: Here you have 30 minutes to answer 12 questions.
Version 2: Here you have 75 minutes to answer 24 questions.
The test has three parts, with a numerical (mathematical) part, with text-based mathematical tasks, and a logical (abstract/spatial) part where you have to recognise the logic of a figure. The last part consists of a verbal test section, where your word skills are tested. All in all, the test is an excellent indicator of the traditional way of measuring IQ.
The test is based on a Computer Adaptive Testing System, which means that the difficulty of the questions adapts individually to your abilities. So, should you produce as excellent in the questions, the questions will increase in difficulty for you.
The questions are very difficult, both in general and in comparison to other tests. In return, you have a relatively long time for each question (2.5 minutes).
The ACE test is not a test that focuses on speed. Thus, you should be able to answer all the questions if possible, as you will not be under time pressure.
1 - Numerical Skills
They are presented with a text-based mathematical question like this simple example:
For Halloween, Willam went to 12 houses. In 5 houses he got a candy bar, in 4 houses he got a lollipop and in the remaining houses he got caramels.
In what percentage of the houses did he get sweets?
You cannot guess from several given choices , that is, it is not multiple choice.
2 - Spatial thinking
This classic logic/IQ figure type tests your spatial skills.
The ACE test is a 9-part figure type in a 3×3 matrix.
One of the squares is blank (usually the last square in the bottom right corner) and you have to figure out which of the 4-6 given answer choices is the correct one.
3 - Verbal word element (analogy)
The 3rd type of question is about verbal competence, i.e. your ability to comprehend words.
This type of question is also called an analogy, which tests how well you can see the connection between words.
Calibre : Firearms
Diameter : ?
Impact weapons
The above example assumes that you already know that the diameter of the barrel of a firearm is called the calibre, which is also a measure of the size of the bullet.
A similar ananlogy exists only for tubes, since the size of a tube is always given in diameter. A similar correlation is excluded for the other three answer options.
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