Try a free SHL-Test!

Before you decide to pay for access, we give you the opportunity here to try out our SHL tests completely free of charge. This way you can get to know our system and our tests, familiarize yourself with the structure and get an idea of in your current level.

Regardless of whether you have taken an SHL test before, the test practice will help you better understand the structure and questions of the SHL tests. The more you practice, the faster and more confidently you will answer the questions.


Free SHL numerical reasoning practice test

With this practice test you can test your thinking skills related to numerical and statistical data. The test consists of three parts with a total of 9 questions.

  • You will be shown data for which you will be asked 3 questions each.
  • Choose the correct answer from the 4 to 5 possibilities.
  • Tools such as calculators, pen and paper are allowed – have them ready.
  • You have 10 minutes for the practice test
  • Afterwards, the correct answers are displayed and you receive feedback on your overall score. This gives you a feeling of how you would perform in a real test.

Free SHL Logical-Inductive Reasoning Practice Test

This practice test gives you the opportunity to test your logical-inductive reasoning skills.

  • You have 12 minutes for this part
  • After completing the test, you will be shown the correct answers and receive feedback on your overall score. This gives you a feeling of how you would perform in a real test.

Free SHL verbal reasoning practice test

This test gives you the opportunity to check your comprehension of text. You will be given several sections of text consisting of about 80-200 words. You read them thoroughly and try to understand them.

  • You will be asked three questions for each section of the text, for which you must choose the correct answer.
  • The possible answers to each question are “Yes”/”True”, “No”/”False” or ” Cannot be answered”.
  • Select the last option only if you think that the question cannot be answered based on the text content. So do NOT assume your general knowledge.
  • You have 10 minutes for this part
  • After completing the test, you will be shown the correct answers and receive feedback on your overall score. This gives you a feeling of how you would perform in a real test.
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