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Matrigma Test
Here you can access the Matrigma practice tests. You’ll gain access to 10 complete test sets which accumulate to over 140 questions. Our tests help you improve and prepare your skill sets for your upcoming official Matrigma tests.
With our provided practice tests you’ll be prepared and familiarised with official Matrigma tests such as:
- Matrigma Classic
- Matrigma Adaptive
Package includes:
- Tests provided in English.
- Logical test training guide included.
- Unlimited access to all tests during 3month period.
- Compare your self to other who took the same test
- Feedback and solutions for all questions will be included. In addition, a detailed overview of your overall test score will be calculated and explained in detail.
- Gain access to your personal dashboard, which gives you an overview all your test attempts.
- MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE – If you are dissatisfied with the tests, funds paid will be returned to your account.
Matrigma Classic
- Introduction to logical test training guide
- Practice test 1 (35 questions)
- Practice test 2 (35 questions)
- Practice test 3 (35 questions)
- Practice test 4 (18 questions)
- Practice test 5 (18 questions)
Adaptive Matrigma – solve as many questions as possible
- Practice Test 1 (12 Minutes)
- Practice Test 2 (12 Minutes)
- Practice Test 3 (12 Minutes)
- Practice Test 4 (6 Minutes)
- Practice Test 5 (6 Minutes)
- Additional: Introduction to logical test training guide