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Test the Talent test packages are suitable, for example, for all companies that use PICA (PI-LI / PLI) tests


PICA stands for Predictive Index Cognitive Assessment. The test was formerly called Predictive Index Learning Indicator (PI LI) or Professional Learning Indicator (PLI). The test has a fixed format with 50 questions that must be answered in only 12 minutes.

The PICA (PI-LI / PLI) test is used by companies to assess applicants’ numerical, verbal, and logical (inductive) skills



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High quality PI-LI tests (PLI).
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The test is written in English and consists of 25 questions to be answered in 6 minutes.
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In the UK the PI-LI test (PLI) is used by many well-known companies, for example …

Test the Talent tests are specifically designed for PLI (PI LI) and will help you no matter which company you need to test with.

The first time I took a PLI test, I was completely unprepared. I’m an engineer and have to do calculations every day, so I was surprised I didn’t score better. But when I was recently being interviewed for a leadership position, I practiced with Test the Talent’s tests and developed my own test-taking strategy by focusing more on certain question categories than others. My score was among the best, which was also mentioned during the interviews. I got the job, by the way.


A PI LI (PLI) is divided into 3 sections, each with 3 subcategories.


1. Number sequence

You are given a number sequence and have to find out which numbers logically follow the sequence.

2. Smallest number

You are given a set of numbers and terms and you have to calculate which expression describes the smallest number

3. Mathematical tasks

Here you are given a text task with a set of numbers. You have to calculate the correct solution based on the text.


1. Analogy

An analogy refers to a similarity or a correspondence. Its task is to judge how different words relate to each other.

2. Logical reasoning

You are given a set of factual statements or presuppositions and a conclusion from them. You must decide whether the conclusion is correct.

3. Antonyms

Antonyms are words with opposite meanings, for example, warm and cold or loud and silent. You are given a set of possible antonyms for a given word and you have to decide which one is the right one.


These classic logic tests test your pattern recognition skills. You see a series of figures and have to judge which figure fits next in the series, which figure is missing, or how the figures relate to each other.

To do this, you must pay attention to individual elements, including the frame around the actual figure, the position of the various elements, differences in color and number, etc. Pay special attention to changes in the shape and/or arrangement of the figures. This will help you see what the logical pattern is.

1. Similarity of images

In these tests, for example, you look at a set of 5 figures and have to determine which one is different from the others.

2. Logical Analogy

Here you are given a set of 2 images, which are to be understood as before and after images. By comparing the before and after images, you must determine which pattern is present. Then you must apply the same logical pattern to a new image to arrive at the correct result.

3. Inductive thinking

Here you can see a series of illustrations that have been modified according to a certain pattern. You need to find the figure that logically fits next in the row.


In a PI-LI test (PLI), the goal is to answer as many questions correctly as you can. Since the difficulty level is relatively high and you have very little time, getting anywhere near 50 correct answers is unrealistic for most.

Keep in mind that one wrong answer will not result in points being deducted, and most companies are only interested in your final score and will not even look closely at the individual answers or question categories you did particularly well or poorly on.

Therefore, it can be a good strategy to find out which questions you do well on and which ones are harder for you. This will tell you which categories you should practice and/or which questions you should skip or which ones you should guess more or less on.

Normal distribution PICA (PI-LI / PLI)

You can assume that you need to achieve about 25 correct answers to end up in the range of the normal distribution. If you achieve a worse result, you are just below the average, and if you achieve a better result, you are just above.

Questions and Answers

On average, most people get a score of 17-23, which means that you answer 17 to 23 of a total of 50 questions correctly. So to be among the better part, you should answer at least half of all questions (25 pieces) correctly. If you get a score below 17, it will be considered as a less good result. Try our free PI cognitive test and see how you would perform in a real test.

If you are in the 70% range, it means you did better than 70% of everyone who also took the test.

Good to know: Calculators are not allowed on the PI cognitive assessment test! Therefore, prepare extensively for your test so that you have the best chance.

Especially if you are applying for a highly desired position, you will most likely have many competitors who will have to take the same test. So, to increase your chances of getting to the next level in the hiring process, you should stand out from the other candidates. Aside from that, proving that your cognitive skills are strong will automatically leave a positive image with your employer of choice. It shows that you can quickly learn new content and perform under pressure.

With a more than good score, this gives you a very good chance of getting your dream job. In addition, a high score can ensure that you have more freedom to make decisions about your hiring salary or promotion prospects.

A Predicitive Index Test includes questions to measure their mathematical, verbal, and logical-inductive abilities. Each of the three areas has subcategories.


  • Number line: You are given a number line to continue.
  • Smallest Number: You will be given several equations and must indicate which one has the smallest value.
  • Mathematical Tasks: You will be given a text task and several answer choices. Based on the text you have to calculate the solution


  • Analogy: You must judge how different words relate to each other.
  • Logical Inference: You are given a set of facts or statements. Your task is to see if the statement is true.
  • Antonyms: Words with opposite meanings. You are given a word and must choose which of the answer choices corresponds to the opposite.


  • Similarities of illustrations: You are given several illustrations and must decide which one is different from the others.
  • Logical analogy: You are given several figures and you have to recognize what the present figure looks like.
  • Inductive reasoning: You are given several figures and have to recognize which one fits next in the series.

A Predictive Index Test is always structured in the same way. You have 12 minutes to answer as many questions, up to a maximum of 50. The test includes questions about your numerical, verbal and logical-inductive ability.

The general level of a PI test is very high, so you will probably not manage to answer all 50 questions.

Tip: Since it is multiple choice, if you do not know the answer, you should still guess. This way you have a certain chance to get an even better result. Wrong answers have no negative effect on your score.

Yes, you can. With extensive preparation, you will find it easier to answer challenging questions under time pressure, which in turn will show in significantly better results.

Use Test The Talent’s test packages and finally get closer to your dream job. Test The Talent customers improve by an average of 76%.

Take advantage of the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the questions so that you don’t fall into hectic and panic in the real test.

In addition, Test The Talent provides you with a guide to solving logical problems. This will help you understand the logic to answer all the logical questions faster overall. This will also contribute to a better test score.

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