Thomas GIA Practice Tests
Are you preparing for a Thomas GIA test? Use our practice tests to enhance your training and increase your chances of landing your dream job.
Are you preparing for a Thomas GIA test? Use our practice tests to enhance your training and increase your chances of landing your dream job.
The test is often referred to simply as the GIA test or Thomas GIA test and is offered by the company Thomas International. GIA stands for General Intelligence Assessment. The Thomas GIA test is often administered in conjunction with the same company’s PPA personality test, which is based on the DISC profile and is similar to a DISC profile test.
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The GIA test is primarily a logical-mathematical test, but it focuses strongly on speed and is similar to a comparable to an IQ test.
The test is divided into 5 parts where you have to answer as many questions as possible correctly within the given time.
The test takes 30 minutes to complete, not including instructions and demo questions. This is equivalent to 6 minutes for each of the 5 parts.
However, it takes some time to read and understand the instructions correctly and to try out the demo questions, which will not be included in the final test. So allow yourself enough time (1 hour) to complete the test in full.
The questions may seem simple, even trivial, but an important factor in passing the test is speed.
The score you get on a Thomas GIA test is on a scale of 0-100, where 50 is the normal distribution.
So if you get a score of 50, you are right in the middle of the normal range (average) of applicants tested.
For each of the 5 subcategories you will get a percentage score and additionally a total score for the whole test.
Part 1 - Reasoning
For example, you get a statement
“Peter is smaller than Ole”
And two possible answers: Peter and Ole.
As soon as you click on it, the statement disappears and is replaced by a question. For example. Who is smaller?
So you have to memorise the statement and then answer the question.
These questions continue in the same style with 2 names and different characteristics:
Who is happiest, who is tallest, who is tallest? Who is the thinnest, who is the shortest?
Pay special attention to the fact that the questions keep changing in terms of content. Explanation.
Example: Jakob is older than Florian. Who is the youngest? Or who is the oldest?
Part 2 - Perceptual Speed
This question type is all about your visual ability to quickly connect upper and lower case letters.
h d p q
4 sets of alphabets are shown, each arranged vertically (so in the example above, Hh , Dd , Ap & Fq).
The top line is written in capital letters, the bottom line is always written in lower case.
For each question, answer how many of the four sentences have the same upper and lower case letters.
It will always be possible to answer the question. 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 match.
In the specific example, we can see that group 1 matches Hh, as does group 2 matches Dd, but the last two, Ap and Fq, do not match.
The correct answer is therefore 2.
Part 3 - Number Speed & Accuracy
In this numerical task you are presented with 3 numbers.
You have to find out which of the smallest or largest numbers is furthest from the middle number (or think of it as the remaining number).
For example, you might see these three numbers. 5 9 3
3 is the smallest, 9 is the largest and 5 is the middle (remaining) number.
The distance from 5-9 = 4 and the distance from 3-5 is 2. The smallest distance from the middle number is at the number 3. So the correct answer is the number 3.
Part 4 - Word Meaning
You see three words on the screen and you have to find out which of the three words stands out from the other two.
In other words, 2 of the words are connected, the third word is not.
For example:
Nano Micro Eliminate
Nano and micro both mean something (very) small, while eliminate means something like remove.
It is not possible to make a connection between eliminate and the other words. Eliminate is therefore the word that stands out and the correct answer.
Part 5 -Spatial Visualization
You see a picture where, for example, the letter R is shown in four different rotations. 90, 180 and 270 degrees.
In addition, it is displayed in both reverse and inverted directions.
You should think of it as 2 sets (viewed vertically and outlined). You now have to answer whether either 0, 1 or 2 (both) of the two sets match. And by matches is meant whether the letters can both be rotated and match or whether they are different no matter how they are rotated.
In the example above, the left set shows that the top R rotates correctly when it is rotated 90 degrees clockwise. However, in the right-hand set, the top R is reversed and no matter how it is rotated, it does not match the bottom R in this set. The correct answer for this task is therefore 1.
Once you have taken the GIA exam, the company for which you are taking the exam will be able to tell from your test results, among other things, the following
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Test The Talent provides practice tests designed for candidates to practice before the real Thomas GIA Test.
Test the Talent has no affiliation to Thomas International or their brands.