The Aon assessments follow a consistent structure for ease of understanding. Initially, you are presented with a brief introduction outlining the exercises, followed by a detailed interactive explanation where the test mechanics are demonstrated. You’ll need to complete certain actions to proceed, with example exercises included for practice. These introductory stages are not timed, allowing you to fully grasp the test format at your own pace.
An AON Assesment Tests comprises a diverse array of questions, categorized primarily into Numerical, Verbal, and Logical (Inductive and Deductive Reasoning) sections. Detailed descriptions of these question types are available to aid in your preparation.
The AON Assessment Test can serve a purpose similar to an IQ test, with scores reflecting a broad range of cognitive abilities. When used in employment settings, the company administering the test will receive your scores broken down into Numerical, Verbal, and Logical categories. Additionally, an overall cognitive ability score is provided.
Your response speed is also taken into account. While the test is not strictly a speed test, efficient time management is crucial to maximize your performance across all questions.